Under our 45-day return policy, you can always return/exchange your custom shoes. In this case, you'll have to send them back to our US or UK address. We offer free exchanges for orders over $75
Under our 45-day return policy, you can always return/exchange your custom shoes. In this case, you'll have to send them back to our US or UK address. We offer free exchanges for orders over $75
57Five days and more than 100 operations are poured into each pair of Julia Bo shoes, lovingly crafted at our Eastern European workshops, organised as small shoe cooperatives of 20-30 predominantly female artisans. This socially-responsible business model allows us to develop a long-term relationship with our producers and their communities, whilst offering you custom-made shoes, handcrafted with high-quality materials, at a fair price.
We've partnered with CAMFED, a global NGO based in Cambridge UK, to support girls in need to go to school, learn, thrive and lead change. Therefore, when you buy a pair of Julia Bo brogues, you fund the cost of one day of school for a girl in need in sub-Saharan Africa, the region with the highest out-of-school female population in the world.